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A desktop application for fast UML diagramming.


JetUML is available both as a self-contained application and as a Java archive file under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3. Download the application from the latest release page and if necessary see the installation guide. Please consider supporting the project by starring this repo and by writing an endorsement.

Installation Instructions

JetUML is distributed in two formats:

Self-Contained Application

Thin Jar

This format requires that you have both Java and JavaFX version 21 or above running on your system.

Download file JetUML-<Version>.jar from the latest release page, to a local directory.

To run JetUML, open a command-line terminal window and enter the command below from the same directory where you downloaded the file, or write a script to execute it more conveniently (use java instead of javaw on OSX/Linux).

javaw --module-path "PATH_TO_JAVAFX_LIB" --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.swing,java.desktop,java.prefs -jar JETUML_FILE

Where PATH_TO_JAVAFX_LIB is the full path to the lib directory of the javafx installation and JETUML_FILE is the path to the JetUML jar downloaded. For example:

javaw --module-path "C:\local\Java\javafx-sdk-21.0.2\lib" --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.swing,java.desktop,java.prefs -jar JetUML-3.8.jar