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A desktop application for fast UML diagramming.

Guide for JetUML Developers


Building the Application in Eclipse

Committing Code

Packaging the Application

Starting with Release 3.0 JetUML needs to be packaged as a self-contained application for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This is done with the jpackage tool distributed with OpenJDK.


Run this from the git repo root (where FXMODS points to the JavaFX mods directory, e.g.,):

set FXMODS="C:\local\Java\javafx-jmods-17.0.2"
jpackage --module-path %FXMODS%;bin\jetuml --add-modules jetuml --module jetuml/org.jetuml.JetUML --app-version 3.4 --icon docs\JetUML.ico --win-shortcut --win-dir-chooser


Run this from the git repo root (where PATH_TO_FX_MODS points to the JavaFX mods directory)

$JAVA_HOME/bin/jpackage -n JetUML --module-path $PATH_TO_FX_MODS:bin/jetuml --add-modules jetuml --module jetuml/org.jetuml.JetUML --app-version 3.4 --module jetuml/org.jetuml.JetUML --type pkg --icon docs/JetUML.icns


After compiling the project, run this from the git repo root (where FXMODS points to the JavaFX mods directory)

jpackage --module-path %FXMODS%:bin/jetuml --add-modules jetuml --module jetuml/org.jetuml.JetUML --app-version 3.0 --icon docs/JetUML.ico 

To build JetUML from the command line, after downloading the necessary JUnit 5 dependencies and placing them into a junit folder at the root of the git repo, run the following:

rm -rf bin 
mkdir bin 
cp -r icons/** bin/jetuml/ 
find . -name "*.java" > files.txt 
javac -cp test:src -p %FXMODS%:junit --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.swing -d bin/jetuml @files.txt 
cd src/ 
cp --parent `find -name "*.css"` ../bin/jetuml 
cp --parent `find -name "*.properties"` ../bin/jetuml 
cd ../test/ 
cp --parent `find -name "*.properties"` ../bin/jetuml cd .. 

To test that the files were correctly compiled, run the following:

java -p %FXMODS%:bin/jetuml --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.swing,jetuml org.jetuml.JetUML 

Runtime image

Normally it is not necessary to create a run-time image separately from the one created through the jpackage tool. However, if for any reason one is needed, here is how to create it:

Releasing the Application

In the JetUML project, releases map one-to-one with milestones.

  1. Create a new issue titled “Release X” where X is the number of the release;
  2. Make sure all other issues for the milestone are closed;
  3. Run all the unit tests;
  4. Increment the version number in;
  5. Update the copyrights using the copyright tool (see below);
  6. Create a new release on GitHub;
  7. Write the release notes;
  8. Release the application on GitHub;
  9. Create a thin jar that only includes the source code (excluding tests) and the license;
  10. Package the application as above for the three different platforms;
  11. Upload the binaries to the release page;
  12. Close the milestone;
  13. Tweet about the new release.

To be used in the Eclipse copyright tool.

JetUML - A desktop application for fast UML diagramming.

Copyright (C) ${date} by McGill University.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see

See Also